DeLagIce Inc.

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Member and New Business.

Congratulations to Inna for joining us. It is now officially DeLagIce INc.

Yes, we are officially making videos too. Mainly Super Junior but we may also make videos of other things like Peter Pan and Gakuen Alice, as new member, Inna, stated.

The Complete Line-up of the tiniest business empire:
- Video-converting.
- CD burning. For videos only.
- Video-making. Name it. We can do it.
- Poster-making. Either handmade or photoshopped.
- Card-making. Any type.

- THE BIGGEST EMPIRE IN THE URFS. DeLagIce Inc. We bring the ICE. Join the dark side. [ oh yes, if you're wondering, we sell videos slash photoshopped items (ice not included in the purchase but we may give an ice cube to our customers when we feel like it) ]

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